The Animals

We love our farm animals at Milo Farm and you will too! They are an integral part of the love you will receive here! We have two donkeys, 5+ goats (depending on how many babies are around!), and a sweet ram. Plato, the donkey, thinks he’s in charge of “the pack” and tries to keep some order (or chaos depending on his mood). His partner is Maya. Socrates is the 4 horned Jacob Ram that thinks he’s a goat. Loni bottle fed him, so she feels very close to him. The goats are Fire, the Billy Goat (boy), Shiva the (mostly) white female goat and Spirit the black and white female, Magic her daughter and the handsome Racer billy goat. You may see baby goats when you are here too! The animals will let you pet them, and really love their treats. We let them roam the land openly, so they may stop by your campsite and say hi!