I am Loni.  I like to give things, such as people’s spirit names and names of endearment.  I nicknamed myself LoniChi because Chi is energy, and I work with energy every moment.  I hear, taste, feel, smell, and read energy.  

I am honored to be the Steward of this sacred land, and I am glad you are here

The joys in my life are this land, hearing spirit, and the honoring of the earth, humanity, and the divine. 

I do give readings, one of the many things I do. 

I’m talking about Milo today to tell you about some of the magic of this sacred land and how it can be used.

MILO stands for (please feel into each word) Mindful Intentional Living in Oneness

MILO FARM is a non-profit, but the land here is a sacred blessing.  It is called sacred through its history with the Osage Indians and Mormons.

When we live in a place, we choose it; we adopt it like a child.  And it adopts you.

The land, buildings, nature spirits, fauna, and flora become your family.

When my ex moved off, this land told me, I am now your partner 

Milo is 50 diverse acres.  5 ecosystems:  Cedar forest, Oak Grove, Mixed forest, wildflower / wild grass field, ponds/creeks.

Milo has three distinct portals: 1) Zen Garden (the strongest and the one the Mormons would gather at to see and hear visions).  2) Water Portal at Temple Hill (movement of water below enacts mystery knowledge to come forth)     3) Jungle Creek portal in Freedom Field (You walk into another dimension).